Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ghost Prophecies

As those of you who know me realize, I'm a huge paranormal fan.  I am posting this hard to find documentary by Chad Calek and Ryan Buell of Paranormal State fame.  This aired on A&E in November of 2010.  Enjoy!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

My First Critic


@sethanikeem (Michelle Belanger)
 @mmsalib "Inspirational. Childhood diabetes is no joke."
Michelle Belanger 1/4/2011

So, my very first critic.  As far as I can tell, Michelle Belanger of  A&E's "Paranormal State" the Penn State Research Society, was the very first person who saw my blog.  I asked her if she would be kind enough to give me her honest opinion of the flavor of it.  Many people don't know this, but she is quite an accomplished author. 

Just to name a few.
So when I recived this response from Twitter, you can imagine how elated I was.  By the way, she has several other titles all available for purchase at  Please push her publisher to make them available on Kindle since that seems to be the next big craze we're gonna have to deal with.  The beginning of this article shows our correspondence over Twitter as  was cut and pasted from that service.  I had already had a great deal of conversation with her which, if you think about it, sets her apart from most celebs, as they won't give their fans the time of day.  I am quite the opposite of Michelle and her beliefs, but she is near and dear to my heart, with the amount of love and caring that comes out of her mouth.  She never seems to have a bad thing to say.  She's always jumping on a story about someone in need.  She also is a "dead on balls accurate" psychic medium.  She no sooner than walks into a room, and you wish you were dressed the last time you were in there; as you're sure she can see the whole thing.  Five stars go out to this star in my opinion.  If you Tweet, send her a tweet and give her my regards.  She can be contacted as @sethanikeem.  Follow her Follow sethanikeem on Twitter and I Follow mmsalib on Twitter on twitter


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ok, so what now?

You may wonder why a 49 year old guy might, all of a sudden like, start a blog.  I have a lot to say and no one to say it to,  so there!  Don't you ever lie awake at night feeling like the bills are piling up; having job troubles; feeling boxed in?  Well in my case, there's all of those put together, and I don't want to burden my wife with my worries.  I'd rather see her happy.  So, I'm basically drowning in worries.
I know; I'll start a blog! Then I can process my thoughts on paper. Maybe, just maybe, have someone else read it and not feel so alone with their own problems. The only thing is; I don't usually publish my problems for the world to see. Hmmm, pretty cocky thinking the world would even want to read my blog. How arragant of me. That's ok, I'm tired of being humble. So let's get down to the bare essence of Michael Salib.
There, I feel better now, how about you?
Sometimes I'm so confused by life. I'm not sure how to handle things. I feel like a house cat in a technological jungle of horrors. Here I am trying to fix the darn printer, AGAIN!

I ended up calling tech support.
So all seriousness aside, I think it's important we share our thoughts and lessons with our peers and provide mentorship for our juniors. So c'mon start a blog, but please share mine with others. Thank You.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just a Little Humor. Relax, breath and laugh your arse off.

Donated to the blog by my son Derek Michael Salib


God’s amazing ways

by Michael Salib
In life, when we're involved in a situation, we only see a small piece of that situation; not the whole picture. Sometimes it's not meant for us to see the whole picture, it's just meant for us to handle our piece of the process. Liken this to a jigsaw puzzle. God knows exactly what the puzzle is going to look like when it's completed. We may only hold one piece of the entire puzzle, but it's the piece that completes it and makes it recognizable. In other words, when the whole puzzle is complete, the true believer can see that the puzzle was being put together the whole time the situation was going on, and they always held the final piece.  It's just, all the other pieces had to be put in place before their piece meant anything at all.